“Yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s about what you learn on the way down”

- BKS Iyengar


Our yoga classes are designed to suit all levels of experience, fitness levels and ages. We also love beginners and you are welcome to attend any class that you like the sound of. We will help guide you through the practice as well as offer you modifications as you build up strength, flexibility and confidence.

PS you do not need to be flexible to do yoga, this is a myth. You just need a body and be willing to try something new.

Scroll down to browse our various class types to find the classes that sound like your cup of tea, then click the book now button at the bottom of the page or head to our schedule/book page.

We look forward to seeing you join us on the mat soon!

Move + Release

Mondays 6.00pm (75 mins)

Wednesdays 6.00pm (75 mins)

Teacher - Megan

Ease tension at the end of the day with Move + Release, the ultimate release.

We hold onto a lot within our bodies, physically, mentally, energetically and emotionally. Yoga Release aims to release mental and physical tension and help nourish the nervous system with mindful movement, somatic awareness and yoga poses.

We bend the rules in our yoga practice to find natural movements that help release fascia and muscle tension. Learn how to listen to the deep inner knowing and wisdom of your body, to unwind and let go.

Balanced Hatha Flow

Tuesdays 6pm (75mins)

Teacher - Kath


A class designed to get the blood flowing and energise your whole self.

We will often begin with a connection to breath & self, incorporating a slow and mindful release into the body to warm ourselves. The class may cover sun salutations and gentle flow sequences, body alignment, allowing you space to become curious so as to explore your individual practice. This will create a deep connection with breath and movement, and cultivate a deeper sense of inner awareness and proprioception; finishing by unwinding with a deep and relaxed savasana. You will leave feeling balanced, energised, strong and relaxed.


Vinyasa Open

Wednesdays 6am (60mins)

Teacher - Kylie


This class will get you moving. It is designed to help you feel strong and free in your body and mind.

Vinyasa flow is a fluid practice that unites breath and movement in a powerful way. You will be guided through a sequence of postures and flow that will warm you up on a chilly morning. You choose your level of challenge, so it can be as demanding or as gentle as you need it to be at any time. This is an open class, however, if you are a beginner or coming back to practice after a break don’t be shy! Showing up to your mat is the hardest part- once you’re there you can relax and allow yourself to be guided. The aim is to leave you feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

Restorative Immersion

Wednesdays 7.30pm (60mins)

Teacher - Kath


"Breath is the language of the nervous system & with Deep Rest allows Inner Healing".

A 60-minute floor-based practice, utilising props to support the body in discovering deep relaxation and stimulation of the para-sympathetic nervous system. Poses are held for extended periods of time where we allow the magic of the breath to cultivate stillness allowing our bodies to restore. Deep rest allows inner healing, strengthening of immune response, awareness & clarity. A class just for you~ holding space for yourselves a time to pause.


Yoga for Longevity

Thursdays 3.30pm (75mins)

Teacher - Megan


Yoga for healthy aging.

It is never too late to start a yoga practice or learn something new. Join us for a beautifully balanced practice aimed at ages 50 years and over. We move through a range of gentle movements and yoga poses aimed at all levels of experience.

Focusing on balance, agility and stability as well joints mobility. All yoga poses can be modified or adjusted to support your needs.

Take some well deserved time out for yourself to keep your body supple and your mind connected and active.

Soma + Yin + Flow

Thursdays 5.30pm (75mins)

Teacher - Megan


The ultimate embodiment class! This class is gentle, mindful and is an opportunity to experience a state of deep embodied awareness.

Explore mindful somatic movement to connect you to your sensing body and create some physical space. We then move into some Yin yoga poses to enhance our sensing and awareness, which shows us that even in stillness, we can feel subtle inner movement, deep in the connective tissues. The finale of the class is a guided Yoga Nidra meditation to fully integrate the experience deep interception (inner awareness) The result = Blissful embodied self connection and awareness.

Yin + Flow

Saturdays 9am (60 mins)

Teacher - Megan


The perfect start to your weekend!

This class is a 1 hour combination class - Begin with a delicious slow flow, using mindful movement to warm your body and release tension in the body. Followed by gentle yin yoga poses to enhance stillness and rest in your body. This class aims to help relax the central nervous system and the physical and mental bodies via the fascial system, so you can let go of your tension from the week and begin your weekend feeling revived and restored.

Soulful Sunday

Sundays 5.00pm (60 mins)

Teacher - Kath


This practice is a slow vinyasa based flow.

Come and nurture your inner being through a yoga fusion~ a union of breath, movement of body, a practice of intention, grounding & releasing. A beautiful way to intuitively reconnect to self & soul~ incorporating a blend of hatha and restorative - who knows what the soul may need? This time & space is Simply for You.