About the Collective

We are a group of passionate movement and wellness teachers, offering to you our own unique spin on the modalities we teach. Each teacher sharing with you, our own unique energy and personality.

Inner Sanctuary Founder Megan opened our gorgeous Studio upstairs in Ripley Arcade in 2017. It all began with Megan’s classes as Blue Indigo Yoga and then in 2020 Inner Sanctuary Collective was born. Megan realised that there was a call for more sense of community and for teachers to work together to help support each other, when she was personally going through her own experience of trying to find balance in her home, business and family life.

We are pleased to now be able to offer a wonderful variety of classes and styles, as well as meditation classes breath-work, Sound Baths and regular special events.

Our contributors have all helped create the calm and welcoming energy of Inner Sanctuary Collective.

We believe your vibe attracts your tribe and that it is important to find the teacher that resonates with you. So feel free to try a variety of classes to find the right fit for you. And of course the teacher who’s class times fit into your busy schedule as well, because we all know how hard it can be to find the right teacher, in the right studio and then a class time that works for you.

We hope we can make you feel welcome at our studio. We can’t wait share with you our love of all things movement, breathing, inner stillness and wellbeing xx

PS interested in collaborating with us or hosting your event or workshop at our studio? Send us a message and we can chat and see if you and your offering are in alignment with our studio values and offerings.

Meet the Collective


Megan - Studio Founder + Yoga

I can’t image my life without yoga in it, yoga is my grounding, my landing place and it brings me home to myself when I am feeling overwhelmed or needing some ME-time .

When I am teaching or practising yoga I feel I am at home in my authentic self. Through my practice of yoga I have learnt how to listen more intuitively to my body, as well as finding my own self acceptance and worth along the way.

My style of practicing and teaching yoga has evolved over the years to as I have attended many other teacher trainings and courses to feed my hunger for more knowledge and experience. I love creating well balanced yoga classes to help students deeply connect to themselves in their yoga practice, my classes incorporate functional, mindful and intuitive movement, teaching students how to to listen to their bodies and move accordingly.

Yoga is so much more than just the physical practice and through the regular practice of yoga, we can delve deeper into our own selves and the mystery within.

Megan x

Kath - Yoga

Kath is the Collective’s resident Hatha Yoga Teacher, teaching as Simply Yoga.

My Yoga experience began way back in 2000 when my sister dragged me along to a yoga class, above Belgiorno’s so we could spend some time to hang out together. At this stage I was definitely into my cardio classes and having some down time, finding my “inner Zen” seemed a great idea- how hard could it be??  

How wrong was I – I hated it and only continued so as to catch up with my sister- and yet there was something that  kept dragging me back.  

It challenged me- physically, being in and holding a pose- with grace and breath,  but even more so mentally, emotionally and spiritually- facing self-awareness, and a growing connection not just to myself but to those around me, the realisation that there is more than self.  

What I love about yoga is that we all come to it from our own personal places and spaces. My practice over the last 21 years has changed as my life and bodies needs have changed. Through different body injuries, phases, diagnosis of auto immune disease, and times when life challenges us my yoga mat has been my safe place, my sacred space.  

Seeing what yoga has offered me, but more importantly those who come and attend classes gives me the greatest joy, is where I am most grateful. The learning and gratitude never end.  

Kath x


Kylie - Yoga

I don’t remember the beginning. It’s all a bit blurry until the first teacher that really moved me. A colleague, after closing we would push clothing racks off to the side and practice on a cold, concrete floor. No frills, just movement and full breath. I intrinsically knew this was yoga.

When the time came for that chapter to close, I began the search for the next opportunity to “drop in”. That search was 10 years, and many breaks from practice long.

I was convinced to try Vinyasa Flow by a friend in 2021, where I landed. I was deeply inspired by the studio I was practicing with and felt called to offer vinyasa in my own genuine (sometimes clumsy) way. Since finishing my 200hr TT in 2022 I can’t see a life where I don’t facilitate and have gone on to train in Yin (and more training on the horizon!).

My connection to asana isn’t rooted in athleticism. I was never a really sporty person, but surprisingly yoga has turned me onto a journey of movement and strength I didn’t know I needed.

My motivation to move comes from a yearning for stillness in my mind. My teaching style is steady and supportive, with a focus on helping the student have the space to dial into their experience as it is. I love to help people connect with their practice as mine has changed so much in how I feel and move through life.

I look forward to meeting you on the mat soon!



Alma - Meditation

Meet Alma - Alma is the Collective’s Meditation Yoga Teacher, guiding you through energising meditations as Meditations with Alma. She also runs a monthly new moon/dark moon women’s circle at ISC.

“I run the Meditations with Alma sessions weekly at ISC. The sessions at inner sanctuary collective are themed. We usually focus on each topic for two weeks. At the end of the guided meditation sessions ideas and thoughts on the topic are shared. This is the most valuable part of the night. We are able to better understand each weeks theme (ie love, nature, compassion)

Three years ago a friend and I decided to run free yoga meditation sessions at the blue lake soccer club. It was such a successful night that when she moved - I decided to continue the meditation section of it. We ran it out at Our Tribe space for a donation and then they sold the building. It has been a journey to get to where we are now”

“Remember that Meditation is not a way to enlightenment nor is it a method of achieving anything at all, it’s the actualisation of wisdom, the ultimate truth of the oneness of all things.”


Rohan - Breathwork

My name is Ro and I have consistently been practicing breath work over the last 15 years and for the last 3 years I have been running a fortnightly breathwork session at Inner Sanctuary Collective on Friday nights from 6.30PM. I love the community that the Collective has created, and I thoroughly enjoy being a part of it. 

Through different personal experiences I've found breath work to be the one thing I could turn to to ground myself and push through life's challenges. Through this process breath work has led me on a journey that I never thought I would be on. 

The breath is such an amazing tool that you can use to either raise your energy or calm yourself down. 

There are so many benefits to practicing breathwork from reducing stress, increasing energy, heightened focus, enhanced creativity and stronger immune system. Breath work has changed my life and I enjoy sharing what I've learnt with others. 

Join me on Friday night for a Flo with Ro breath work session or check in when I collaborate and run workshops with others from the studio. 

Breathing in and Letting it Go. 
